Born in Italy, Valentina Contato (°1983, Monselice) always dreamed of living abroad and eight years ago, life brought her to Leuven. As young girl, Valentina was already in love with art, shapes, colours, architecture, fashion, music,… because these are all expressions of our deeper emotions. A recent holiday to Tanzania completely made her eager to start drawing and painting. First, she got to work with paper and black ball-point pen, to add more colour after that. But the paper quickly didn’t seem to be enough, so she began to experiment with canvas, acrylics and brushes.
All her paintings have at the origin a center of energy from where the colour levels get started: the bigger the canvas, the more emotions it has. Valentina believes that art and beauty make the world a better place. That’s why she is working on different projects in fashion and literature. Her first exhibition takes place at TABLOO with a focus on different passages of her self-expression.
Instagram: ginevraturn